

365滚球官网开发了一个项目,使员工和他们的部门能够更连贯地为员工的退休计划. 该计划鼓励并允许符合既定要求的教职员工在他们生命的早期而不是后期追求其他机会.


The 计划退休计划 (PRP) is not an early retirement incentive program. PRP helps employees transition from full employment into retirement. 过渡时期的目的是帮助雇员及其家属适应日常日程安排和活动的变化,同时在不影响其健康福利费用或影响用于确定是否有资格享受365滚球官网退休人员健康福利的服务积分的情况下为完全退休进行规划.

在可行的范围内, 并以该计划的任何除外条款为准, the university will attempt to accommodate requests from all employees. 然而, it is possible that the business needs of a unit may supersede employee wishes. 这可能导致延迟进入该计划或拒绝参加该计划. 例子包括: 

  • 太多的人自杀了, 退休, and entering the program from one unit within the same timeframe; 
  • 关键的教学, 项目交付, or other business needs that cannot be accommodated or succeed without full-time resources. 

In the event a request is denied, business reasons must be documented. The program is open to all health-benefits eligible staff and faculty.

A department may offer voluntary participation in the PRP; however, an employee is not obligated to enter the program. Program entry cannot be used in lieu of or as part of any disciplinary action. 全职参与PRP并不保证就业,也不保证任何特定期限的就业.

The PRP program’s enrollment will be allowed on an ongoing basis. 学校将继续评估结果,并可能提前30天通知取消该项目.  在项目期满或取消之前达成的所有协议仍然有效. 

是的! An employee can enter the program even after a salary agreement has been returned and accepted. A new salary agreement will need to be tendered when an employee enters the PRP.

计划退休计划旨在帮助员工适应较轻的工作负荷,这将更贴近地代表完全退休后社会和工作活动的变化. Increased work and additional responsibilities do not support this goal.

有适当的批准, 以上任何一个例子都是可以接受的, 前提是员工选择了一种通过工资系统继续扣除税前福利的价差支付选项. As long the work schedule is approved and the appointment does not drop below half-time, which is the minimum required for maintaining benefits, 该计划没有任何限制, other than wage and hour laws affecting classified staff. 然而, 参加PERSI的员工如果在一个日历年中至少有一半的时间没有领取半天或以上的工资,那么他们将不会在任何一个月获得服务积分.

Active employees share in the cost of health benefits based on their status as a full, 三分之一或一半的员工. Full-time employees pay the smallest percentage share of these costs. 参与该计划向员工保证,他们的医疗福利费用份额不会因为预约减少而增加. 例如, if an employee holds a full-time appointment before entering the PRP, 员工将在参加计划期间支付全职费率,而不考虑预约的变化.

同样的, 在加入PRP之前已预约三分之一时间的雇员将支付整个参与计划期间的健康福利费.

This does not guarantee that the rates for coverage will not change. If rates change for University of Idaho employees, the rates will change for PRP participants. Benefit levels and other features of the benefit plans are also subject to change. 人寿保险和可选意外死亡及伤残保险的承保范围将以加入该计划前一天生效的人寿保险工资为基础,并将在该水平上持续到雇员开始参加PRP的日历年年底. 您的终身和选择性意外死亡和伤残保险是基于您在每个计划年度1月1日的工资. (无论是否参加PRP,都要遵守该计划的标准年龄降低规则).

Short and long term disability benefit levels will decrease consistent with a change in salary. 例如, if a full-time salary of $50,000 is reduced to half-time, the new salary is $25,000. If the 60% long-term disability benefit has been elected and is payable, 然后是25美元的60%,000 basis will be used in determining your benefit.

对这两种方案的捐款将继续基于因减员而产生的新减薪. This may or may not impact the benefits available to be drawn for the plan.

通过TIAA或Corebridge Financial(前身为VALIC-AGI)的ORP计划是根据员工和计划的供款计算退休福利的固定供款, 加上投资收益.

PERSI参与者将获得基于服务和工资组合的保证终身福利. 在任何一个日历月内,超过一半的工作日不以半时或半时以上的工资获得服务的, 连续与否, then service credits for the calendar month are not earned. Salary used in determining benefits is based on the average highest 42 months of earning.


PERSI: 800-451-8228
PERSI Choice Plan questions: 866-ID-PERSI (866-437-3774)
Corebridge Financial(前身为VALIC-AGI): 800-448-2542
TIAA: 800-842-2009

是的, please contact a retirement specialist in Benefit 服务 at benefits@8289777.com. Federal plans prorate the annuity for part time work. You will need to fully understand how this may impact your retirement annuity.

有关一般资料,请浏览 人事管理办公室网站.

COBRA is available to a spouse for a maximum of 18 months following the employee’s retirement. COBRA或符合医疗保险条件的配偶的退休医疗费用比医疗保险前的退休配偶率要便宜得多. If an employee’s spouse is covered under the employee’s active employee health plan, the PRP could allow the spouse to maintain lower-cost benefits for the duration of the PRP, allowing the spouse to reach Medicare eligibility.

If an employee will retire as a self-pay for University of Idaho Retiree 健康 Coverage, 在PRP期间,积极健康计划下的福利费用可使他们保持较低成本的福利, 直到获得医疗保险资格.

A retiree or spouse can choose the University 退休人员健康计划 or COBRA, 但不是一个接一个.

如果雇员达到社会保障收入资格,他/她可以补充收入. 社会保障现在允许达到完全退休年龄的雇员领取全额福利,并无限制地继续工作. 领取社会保障的提前退休人员可以在规定的收入限额下工作,而不影响他们的福利.

在入职前一天有资格累积病假和年假的雇员,将根据缩减后的任用比例,继续累积休假. 例如, a half-time appointment results in half-time leave accrual.

是的, subject to IRS contribution limits for these programs.




星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: benefits@8289777.com
